RAduno Milonguero Italo – Spagnolo – Pasqua 2013

The Association Genova Sestri Tango and Friends of Tangovalencia
are pleased to announce that,as promised, the return of the gathering milonguero Italian Spanish held last year in Valencia (Spain) will be held this year at The Ballroom of Borghetto Santo Spirito (Liguria) from 29/3/2013 to the 1/4/2013 sponsored by the City of Borghetto Santo Spirito
Four days will be devoted entirely to the Tango Argentino Milonguero .Four days all to dance during the Easter holidays.


1'Day FRIDAY' 29 MARCH 2013
At 18.00 -22,00 MILONGA WELCOME Dj DIVO-Italy
At 22.00 -03.00 MILONGA EVENING Dj of the evening MANUEL Granada -Spain

2'Day Saturday 30 MARCH 2013
Hours 15.00-19.00 MILONGA AFTERNOON (Dj ELADIO-Valencia)
Hours 19.30-20.30 APEROTANGO with live music by the Cuarteto "DE QUERUSA" on the promenade
Hours 22.00 GRANMILONGA until 04.0 DJ of the evening LUCIA of Milonga MI.MI'-Genoa-Italy)

3'Day Sunday 31 MARCH 2013
Hours 15.00-19.00 MILONGA AFTERNOON (Dj TINO-Milonga MI.MI'-Genoa -Italy )
Hours 19.30-20.30 APEROTANGO with live music by the Cuarteto "DE QUERUSA" in Piazza Madonna della Guardia
Hours 22.00 -03.00 MILONGA EVENING (DJ ROBERTO – Brescia-Italia)

4'Day MONDAY' 1 April 2013
Hours 15.00 -19.00 Milonga AFTERNOON (Dj LUCIA - Milonga MI.MI '- Genoa)
Hours 22.00 -02,00 MILONGA DI FAREWELL (DJ KEY – Milonga MI.MI'-Genoa)

Complete package for all the afternoon and evening milongas EU.55.00 excluding drinks
The drinks will be optional and at normal prices from BAR
Prices of milongas,excluding drinks,
Friday 29-3-2013 hours 18.00/03.00 € 12.00
Saturday 30-3-2013 hours 15.00/19.00 € 6.00 - Hours 22.00/04.00 € 12.00
Sunday 31-3-2013 hours 15.00/19.00 € 6.00 - Hours 22.00/03.00 € 12.00
Monday 1-4-2013 hours 15.00/19.00 € 6.00 - Hours 22.00/02.00 € 10.00
Reservations may be conducted by filling in the registration form that will be published on the site www.genovasestritango.it
Registrations are limited and will be communicated their confirmation together with the form of payment.
Requests d 'Entries must be sent by mail to the following address:
per maggiori info consultare il sito www.genovasestritango.it
or call the following numbers
VERY +39 340 3839372
LUCIA +39 347 9689569
Eladio +34 963 552033
TEETH +39 340 1746017

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